(1) On or before December 1, 2016, and on or before December 1 each year thereafter, the state department shall prepare a report on CCCAP. Notwithstanding section 24-1-136 (11)(a)(I), the state department shall provide the report to the public health care and human services committee of the house of representatives and the health and human services committee of the senate, or any successor committees. The report must include, at a minimum, the following information related to benchmarks of success for CCCAP:
(a) The number of children and families served through CCCAP statewide and by county;
(b) The average length of time that parents remain in the workforce while receiving CCCAP subsidies, even when their income increases;
(c) The average number of months of uninterrupted, continuous care for children enrolled in CCCAP;
(d) The number and percent of all children enrolled in CCCAP who receive care at each level of the state's quality and improvement rating system;
(e) The average length of time a family is authorized for a CCCAP subsidy, disaggregated by recipients' eligible activities, such as job search, employment, workforce training, and postsecondary education;
(f) The number of families on each county's wait list as of November 1 of each year, as well as the average length of time each family remains on the wait list in each county;
(g) The number of families and children statewide and by county that exit CCCAP due to their family incomes exceeding the eligibility limits;
(h) The number of families and children statewide and by county that reenter CCCAP within two years of exiting due to their family incomes exceeding the eligibility limits; and
(i) An estimate of unmet need for CCCAP in each county and throughout the state based on estimates of the number of children and families who are likely to be eligible for CCCAP in each county but who are not enrolled in CCCAP.