(1) (a) For the purpose of defraying the cost of construction of new facilities, reconstruction or improvement of existing facilities, and maintenance and operation of such facilities, the state department may, with the approval of the governor, issue anticipation warrants that shall be payable solely from the sinking fund account described in section 26-12-112, and the payments and interest on such anticipation warrants shall be a first charge on and shall be payable from said account.
(b) The general assembly hereby finds and declares that the authority to issue anticipation warrants as set forth in this section shall constitute authority to issue revenue bonds for the purposes of section 20 of article X of the state constitution.
(2) Any other provision of this article notwithstanding, the state department may not issue any anticipation warrants or otherwise borrow funds for the construction of additional veterans centers, unless the construction of additional veterans centers is specifically authorized by law.