(1) The general assembly hereby finds and declares that older Coloradans constitute a fundamental resource of this state. Often, their competence, experience, and wisdom are underutilized, and a means must be found to use their abilities more effectively for the benefit of all Coloradans. The number of persons in this state sixty years of age or older is increasing rapidly, and, of these persons, the number of women, minorities, and persons seventy-five years of age or older is expanding at an even greater rate. Among those persons seventy-five years of age or older, there is a higher incidence of functional disability. The social and health problems of older people are compounded by the lack of access to existing services and by the unavailability of a complete range of services in all areas of the state. The ability of older people to maintain self-sufficiency and personal well-being with the dignity to which their years of labor entitle them and to realize their maximum potential as creative and productive individuals are matters of profound importance and concern for all Coloradans.
(2) The general assembly further declares that it is the policy of this state: To protect older Coloradans from abuse, neglect, or exploitation; to involve older Coloradans in the planning and operation of all programs and services that may affect them; to encourage agencies at all levels of government, as well as in the private sector, to develop alternative services and forms of care that would provide a range of services to be delivered in the community and in the home and that would facilitate access to other services which support independent living and prevent unnecessary institutionalization; to give priority in planning services and programs to those older Coloradans with the greatest economic need or the greatest social need; and to facilitate and encourage joint program planning and policy development among state and local agencies which recognize and strengthen the community and personal support networks to which people belong and on which they depend and which administer programs and deliver services to the older population.