(1) The division shall establish an industrial pretreatment program for the state which is designed to eliminate problems that occur when pollutants from industrial wastewaters are discharged into publicly owned treatment works, including health hazards caused to the public and to workers in sewers and treatment plants, pollution of state waters, interference with the operation of treatment plants or increased expense to dispose of sludges, damage to the pipes and equipment that may occur from pollutants, and the potential for explosion caused by highly volatile wastes. The program shall be adopted by the commission pursuant to section 25-8-205 and shall be adequate to comply with requirements set forth in section 307 (a), (b), and (c) of the federal act.
(2) The division is authorized to require compliance with applicable pretreatment requirements and standards by any domestic wastewater treatment works or by any industrial user of such treatment works. The division may grant a variance from applicable requirements only to the extent authorized in the federal act or implementing regulations.