(1) It is the policy of this state to prevent the significant deterioration of air quality in those portions of the state where the air quality is better than the national ambient air quality standards by means including, but not limited to, the following:
(a) Except as provided in section 25-7-209, in areas designated as Class I, II, or III, pursuant to this article and in accordance with the federal act, increases allowed in air pollutant concentrations over the baseline concentration from the construction of major stationary sources or from major modifications shall, in the case of particulate matter and sulfur dioxide, be the same as those increases established by section 163(b) of the federal act and shall, in the case of any other air pollutants, be the same as those increases established pursuant to section 166(a) of the federal act. For any period other than an annual period, the applicable maximum allowable increase may be exceeded during one such period per year at any one location.
(b) No concentration of an air pollutant shall exceed a national ambient air quality standard.
(c) No major stationary source or major modification shall be constructed unless the requirements of this part 2, as applicable, have been met.