(1) "Applicant" means an individual applying to be a county employee, state employee, county contractor, or state contractor.
(2) "County contractor" means an individual acting under a contract, purchase order, or other similar agreement for the procurement of goods or services with a county or county department.
(3) "County employee" means an individual employed by a county.
(4) "Federal tax information" has the same meaning as specified in federal internal revenue service publication 1075 dated September 30, 2016, as amended.
(5) "State agency" means all departments, institutions, and agencies of state government, including the office of the governor, institutions of higher education, all principal departments, and the legislative and judicial departments of the state.
(6) "State contractor" means an individual acting under a contract, purchase order, or other similar agreement for the procurement of goods or services with a state agency.
(7) "State employee" means an individual employed by a state agency, whether the individual is under the state personnel system or exempt from the state personnel system.