(1) Whenever a person currently or previously employed by the state of Colorado, not within the state personnel system, enters or is brought into the state personnel system, the person shall be credited with his or her former state service for purposes of accumulated leave, leave earning rates, seniority, and other benefits, excluding retirement credit, afforded an employee in the state personnel system. Previous employment with the state shall include any period of employment for which an officer or employee received compensation not limited solely to expense reimbursement. Credit for previous state employment shall not be given for temporary employment, including student employment at an institution of higher education or the Auraria higher education center established in article 70 of title 23, C.R.S., or service as a member of a part-time board or commission.
(2) Whenever, by reason of constitutional amendment, legislative enactment, executive order, or action of an executive department functions outside state government are assumed by state government, persons performing such functions shall be credited with the years of service in their former positions for purposes of accumulated leave, leave earning rates, seniority, and other benefits, excluding retirement credit, afforded an employee in the state personnel system.
(3) Whenever employees enter the state personnel system from political subdivisions of the state with merit systems similar to the state personnel system as a result of a formal arrangement with that merit system, the state personnel director shall, by rule adopted in accordance with article 4 of this title, establish rates and conditions of accumulated leave carry-over, leave earning rates, seniority, and other benefits, excluding retirement credit, afforded an employee in the state personnel system. Such rates and conditions shall fairly recognize the employees' prior employment and provide a recruitment incentive to those persons who might benefit state government.