Notwithstanding any other provision of this article, a public fund may cease divesting from certain scrutinized companies pursuant to section 24-54.8-104 (2) or reinvest in certain scrutinized companies from which it divested pursuant to section 24-54.8-104 (2) if clear and convincing evidence shows that the value for all assets under management by the public fund becomes equal to or less than ninety-nine and one-half percent, or fifty basis points, of the hypothetical value of all assets under management by the public fund assuming no divestment for any company had occurred under section 24-54.8-104 (2). Cessation of divestment, reinvestment, or any subsequent ongoing investment authorized by this section shall be strictly limited to the minimum steps necessary to avoid the contingency set forth in this section. For any cessation of divestment, reinvestment, or subsequent ongoing investment authorized by this section, the public fund shall provide a written report to the general assembly and the office of the attorney general in advance of initial reinvestment, updated semi-annually thereafter as applicable, setting forth the reasons and justification, supported by clear and convincing evidence, for its decisions to cease divestment, reinvest, or remain invested in companies with scrutinized active business operations. This section has no application to reinvestment in companies on the ground that they have ceased to have scrutinized active business operations.