(1) In addition to the plans developed under section 24-33.5-503 (1)(b), separate plans may be developed for each region designated by the division of planning in the department of local affairs. The state plan shall take into account the regional plans but shall not be a mere compilation of them. Separate county or municipal plans shall also be developed as necessary within a metropolitan region.
(2) The state plan shall provide for the distribution of financial grants to local law enforcement and other agencies in such a way that each grant is of sufficient size to make a significant impact. Grants should be used to encourage coordination and consolidation of law enforcement agencies where appropriate and shall not be used in such a way as to perpetuate unnecessary fragmentation of the criminal justice system.
(3) In the distribution of planning funds and action grants, the state plan shall give due regard to the relative needs of different areas for planning and program help and encouragement, shall consider population and the incidence of major crime, and shall weigh the probable contribution of the grant to the improvement of law enforcement and justice through conventional programs and through new, innovative, or pilot approaches.