(1) The general assembly recognizes the significant consequences of identity theft and financial fraud crimes on Colorado citizens and businesses. The consequences suffered by Colorado citizens and businesses include the trauma of recovering stolen identities and repairing related damage to personal finances; the direct and indirect financial costs to various victims, consumers, and businesses; the time dedicated to guarding against and resolving such crimes; and the overall economic impact of such crimes.
(2) The general assembly recognizes the limited resources of local law enforcement agencies, district attorneys, and the attorney general. It is the intent of the Colorado general assembly to protect Colorado citizens and businesses by enhancing the investigation and prosecution of identity theft and financial fraud crimes by establishing a statewide resource in the form of a unit comprised of attorneys, investigators, and support staff to assist the attorney general, sheriffs, police, and district attorneys in investigating and prosecuting criminals who commit identity theft and financial fraud crimes.
(3) It is the intent of the general assembly to supplement the existing law enforcement and prosecution system and provide greater flexibility to respond to the shifting aspects of identity theft and financial fraud crimes and priorities among such crimes. The unit will also provide to the public and relevant groups appropriate information about financial fraud and the unit's activities and results. It is further the intent of the general assembly that the unit will focus its attention on criminal activity involving financial transactions, including but not limited to the types of crime covered under article 5 of title 18, C.R.S.; modifications to these and other relevant crimes; new crimes as they evolve from time to time; and suspicious activity reports required by federal law to be filed by depository institutions.