(1) (a) There is hereby established in the department of education the expelled and at-risk student services grant program, referred to in this section as the "program". The program shall provide grants to school districts, to charter schools, to alternative schools within school districts, to nonpublic, nonparochial schools, to boards of cooperative services, to facility schools, and to pilot schools established pursuant to article 38 of this title to assist them in providing educational services, and other services provided pursuant to section 22-33-204, to expelled students pursuant to section 22-33-203 (2), to students at risk of expulsion as identified pursuant to section 22-33-202 (1), and to truant students.
(b) In addition to school districts, charter schools, alternative schools within school districts, nonpublic, nonparochial schools, boards of cooperative services, facility schools, and pilot schools, the department of military and veterans affairs may apply for a grant pursuant to the provisions of this section to assist the department with a program to provide educational services to expelled students; except that nonpublic, nonparochial schools may only apply for a grant pursuant to the provisions of this section to fund educational services that have been approved by the state board pursuant to section 22-2-107. The department shall follow application procedures established by the department of education pursuant to subsection (2) of this section. The department of education shall determine whether to award a grant to the department of military and veterans affairs and the amount of the grant.
(c) Grants awarded pursuant to this section shall be paid for out of any moneys appropriated to the department of education for implementation of the program.
(2) (a) The state board by rule shall establish application procedures by which a school district, a charter school, an alternative school within a school district, a nonpublic, nonparochial school, a board of cooperative services, a facility school, or a pilot school may annually apply for a grant under the program. At a minimum, the application shall include a plan for provision of educational services, including the type of educational services to be provided, the estimated cost of providing such educational services, and the criteria that will be used to evaluate the effectiveness of the educational services provided.
(b) The state board shall determine which of the applicants shall receive grants and the amount of each grant. In awarding grants, the state board shall consider the following criteria:
(I) The costs incurred by the applicant in providing educational services to expelled or at-risk students pursuant to the provisions of this part 2 during the school year preceding the school year for which the grant is requested;
(II) (Deleted by amendment, L. 98, p. 570, § 4, effective April 30, 1998.)
(III) The number of expelled, at-risk, or truant students who are receiving educational services through the applicant under agreements entered into pursuant to the provisions of this part 2 during the school year preceding the year for which the grant is requested;
(IV) The quality of educational services to be provided by the applicant under the plan;
(V) The cost-effectiveness of the educational services to be provided under the plan;
(VI) The amount of funding received by the applicant in relation to the cost of the educational services provided under the plan; and
(VII) If the applicant is seeking to renew a grant or has been awarded a grant pursuant to this section in the previous five years, the demonstrated effectiveness of the educational services funded by the previous grant.
(3) The state board shall annually award at least forty-five percent of any moneys appropriated for the program to applicants that provide educational services to students from more than one school district and at least one-half of any increase in the appropriation for the program for the 2009-10 fiscal year to applicants that provide services and supports that are designed to reduce the number of truancy cases requiring court involvement and that also reflect the best interests of students and families. The services and supports shall include, but need not be limited to, alternatives to guardian ad litem representation in truancy proceedings.
(4) The department of education is authorized to retain up to one percent of any money appropriated for the program for the purpose of annually evaluating the program. The department of education is authorized and encouraged to retain up to an additional two percent of any money appropriated for the program for the purpose of partnering with organizations or agencies that provide services and supports that are designed to reduce the number of truancy cases requiring court involvement and that also reflect the best interests of students and families. The services and supports shall include, but need not be limited to, alternatives to guardian ad litem representation in truancy proceedings. Notwithstanding section 24-1-136 (11)(a)(I), on or before January 1, 2006, and on or before January 1 each year thereafter, the department of education shall report to the education committees of the house of representatives and the senate, or any successor committees, the evaluation findings on the outcomes and the effectiveness of the program related to school attendance, attachment, and achievement. The report shall also include specific information on the efficacy of services and supports that provide alternatives to court involvement and guardian ad litem representation in truancy proceedings.