(1) The committee shall have the following duties:
(a) To appoint a chair, vice-chair, and secretary;
(b) To establish parameters of the study;
(c) Tomake a careful study of the public school systems within the parameters of the study established by the committee;
(d) To develop a plan of organization which meets the requirements of section 22-30-114;
(e) To cooperate with the school district boards of education of the affected school districts, the state board, and the commissioner in arriving at a plan of organization;
(I) When the proposed plan of organization results in the creation of a new school district, to file with the commissioner and the county clerk and recorder in each county affected by the proposed plan of organization a map and legal description of the new school district, the name of the county in which the new school district shall be headquartered, and the name and number by which the new school district shall be designated;
(II) When the proposed plan of organization results in the detachment and annexation of territory between existing school districts, to file with the commissioner and the county clerk and recorder in each county affected by the proposed plan of organization a map and legal description of the school districts following the detachment and annexation;
(I) To call for and make arrangements for elections to vote upon the final approved plan of organization as provided in section 22-30-117;
(II) If the majority votes in favor of the final approved plan of organization and the final approved plan of organization results in the creation of a new school district, to call for an election to elect a board of education for the new school district as provided in section 22-30-122 and, if necessary, an election to address any financial matters, as provided in section 22-30-121.5; except that the final approved plan of organization and financial matters may be addressed in the same election;
(h) To assist in the dissemination of information as to the purpose and benefits of the proposed plan of organization and the final approved plan of organization; and
(i) To make all certifications and perform all other acts specifically required of the committee by this article.