(1) Following the regular legislative session convening after January 1, 1997, the revisor, under the supervision and direction of the committee, shall annotate, arrange, and prepare for publication all laws of a general and permanent nature enacted at that session and at any special session intervening since the last preceding regular legislative session. Such laws shall be combined with the laws previously contained in the original hardbound volumes or replacement volumes and with the laws contained in the 1996 cumulative supplements for those volumes. Such combined laws shall be republished in accordance with this article in a fully annotated, softbound set of statutes.
(2) After each regular legislative session convening after January 1, 1998, the preparation for publication shall be as a republication of the entire set of statutes in softbound format that combines newly enacted laws with those published in the preceding year.
(3) Such softbound volumes, when, in like manner as is provided for enactment of Colorado Revised Statutes 1973, certified and reported to the general assembly by the committee, approved and enacted by the general assembly, published, and deposited with the secretary of state, shall be received, recognized, and referred to in like manner as Colorado Revised Statutes. Each year's set of softbound volumes shall become effective on the date specified in section 2-5-126 (2).
(4) The committee may issue such ancillary publicationsas it considers necessary or desirable in aid of the general use and purposes of Colorado Revised Statutes.