Any person who is in custody, and for whom the court has not set bond and conditions of release pursuant to the applicable rule of criminal procedure, and who is not subject to the provisions of section 16-4-101 (5), has the right to a hearing to determine bond and conditions of release. A person in custody may also request a hearing so that bond and conditions of release can be set. Upon receiving the request, the judge shall notify the district attorney immediately of the arrested person's request, and the district attorney shall have the right to attend and advise the court of matters pertinent to the type of bond and conditions of release to be set. The judge shall also order the appropriate law enforcement agency having custody of the prisoner to bring him or her before the court forthwith, and the judge shall set bond and conditions of release if the offense for which the person was arrested is bailable. It shall not be a prerequisite to bail that a criminal charge of any kind has been filed.