(1) "Contraband article" means any controlled substance, as defined in section 18-18-102 (5), C.R.S., any other drug the possession of which is an offense under the laws of this state, any imitation controlled substance, as defined in section 18-18-420 (3), C.R.S., or any drug paraphernalia, as defined in section 18-18-426, C.R.S.
(1.5) "Conviction" means a verdict of guilty by a judge or jury or a plea of guilty or nolo contendere that is accepted by the court or adjudication for an offense that would constitute a criminal offense if committed by an adult.
(1.7) "Instrumental" means a substantial connection exists between the property and the unlawful use of the property.
(1.8) "Proceeds traceable" or "traceable proceeds" means all property, real and personal, corporeal and incorporeal, which is proceeds attributable to, derived from, or realized through, directly or indirectly, a subject act described in section 16-13-503, whether proved by direct, circumstantial, or documentary evidence. There shall be no requirement of showing of a trail of documentary evidence to trace proceeds if the standard of proof by clear and convincing evidence is met.
(2) "Seizing agency" means any agency that is charged with the enforcement of the laws of this state, of any other state, or of the United States relating to controlled substances and that has participated in a seizure or has been substantially involved in effecting a forfeiture through legal representation pursuant to this part 5; except that the filing of any lien against property forfeited under this part 5 by the governing body or agency thereof of any seizing agency after the date of seizure shall preclude such agency from participating pursuant to this part 5 as a seizing agency and shall deny any such agency from receiving any proceeds under this part 5. The department of corrections and a multijurisdictional task force shall be deemed to be included under this definition.
(3) "Vehicle" means any device of conveyance capable of moving itself or of being moved from place to place upon wheels, tracks, or water or through the air, whether or not intended for the transport of persons or property, and includes any place therein adapted for overnight accommodation of persons or animals or for the carrying on of business.