(1) After a deploying parent receives notice of deployment and until the deployment terminates, a court may issue an interim order, consistent with the best interests of the child, granting custodial responsibility, unless prohibited by the "Servicemembers Civil Relief Act", 50 U.S.C. appendix sections 521 and 522. A court may not issue a permanent order granting custodial responsibility without the consent of the deploying parent.
(2) At any time after a deploying parent receives notice of deployment, either parent may file a motion regarding custodial responsibility of a child during deployment. The motion must be filed in a pending proceeding for custodial responsibility in a court with jurisdiction under section 14-13.7-104 or, if there is no pending proceeding in a court with jurisdiction under section 14-13.7-104, in a new action for granting custodial responsibility during deployment.