(1) A person licensed, registered, or certified under this article 43 violates this article 43 if he or she:
(a) Has been convicted of or pled guilty or nolo contendere to a felony or received a deferred sentence to a felony charge. A certified copy of the judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction of such conviction or plea is conclusive evidence of the conviction or plea. In considering the disciplinary action, each board is governed by section 24-5-101, C.R.S.
(b) Has violated or attempted to violate, directly or indirectly, or assisted or abetted the violation of, or conspired to violate any provision or term of this article or rule promulgated pursuant to this article or any order of a board established pursuant to this article;
(c) Has used advertising that is misleading, deceptive, or false;
(I) Has committed abuse of health insurance pursuant to section 18-13-119, C.R.S.;
(II) Has advertised through newspapers, magazines, circulars, direct mail, directories, radio, television, or otherwise that the person will perform any act prohibited by section 18-13-119, C.R.S.;
(e) Habitually or excessively uses or abuses alcohol, a habit-forming drug, or a controlled substance, as defined in section 18-18-102 (5), C.R.S.;
(I) Fails to notify the board that regulates his or her profession of a physical illness; a physical condition; or a behavioral, mental health, or substance use disorder that affects the person's ability to treat clients with reasonable skill and safety or that may endanger the health or safety of persons under his or her care;
(II) Fails to act within the limitations created by a physical illness; a physical condition; or a behavioral, mental health, or substance use disorder that renders the person unable to treat clients with reasonable skill and safety or that may endanger the health or safety of persons under his or her care; or
(III) Fails to comply with the limitations agreed to under a confidential agreement entered pursuant to section 12-43-221.5;
(I) Has acted or failed to act in a manner that does not meet the generally accepted standards of the professional discipline under which the person practices. Generally accepted standards may include, at the board's discretion, the standards of practice generally recognized by state and national associations of practitioners in the field of the person's professional discipline.
(II) A certified copy of a malpractice judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction is conclusive evidence that the act or omission does not meet generally accepted standards of the professional discipline, but evidence of the act or omission is not limited to a malpractice judgment.
(h) Has performed services outside of such person's area of training, experience, or competence;
(i) Has maintained relationships with clients that are likely to impair such person's professional judgment or increase the risk of client exploitation, such as treating employees, supervisees, close colleagues, or relatives;
(j) Has exercised undue influence on the client, including the promotion of the sale of services, goods, property, or drugs in such a manner as to exploit the client for the financial gain of the practitioner or a third party;
(k) Has failed to terminate a relationship with a client when it was reasonably clear that the client was not benefitting from the relationship and is not likely to gain such benefit in the future;
(l) Has failed to refer a client to an appropriate practitioner when the problem of the client is beyond such person's training, experience, or competence;
(m) Has failed to obtain a consultation or perform a referral when such failure is not consistent with generally accepted standards of care;
(n) Has failed to render adequate professional supervision of persons practicing pursuant to this article under such person's supervision according to generally accepted standards of practice;
(o) Has accepted commissions or rebates or other forms of remuneration for referring clients to other professional persons;
(p) Has failed to comply with any of the requirements pertaining to mandatory disclosure of information to clients pursuant to section 12-43-214;
(q) Has offered or given commissions, rebates, or other forms of remuneration for the referral of clients; except that a licensee, registrant, or certificate holder may pay an independent advertising or marketing agent compensation for advertising or marketing services rendered on the person's behalf by such agent, including compensation that is paid for the results of performance of such services on a per-patient basis;
(r) Has engaged in sexual contact, sexual intrusion, or sexual penetration, as defined in section 18-3-401, C.R.S., with a client during the period of time in which a therapeutic relationship exists or for up to two years after the period in which such a relationship exists;
(s) Has resorted to fraud, misrepresentation, or deception in applying for or in securing licensure or taking any examination provided for in this article;
(t) Has engaged in any of the following activities and practices:
(I) Repeated ordering or performing demonstrably unnecessary laboratory tests or studies without clinical justification for the tests or studies;
(II) The administration, without clinical justification, of treatment that is demonstrably unnecessary;
(III) Ordering or performing any service or treatment that is contrary to the generally accepted standards of the person's practice and is without clinical justification;
(IV) Using or recommending rebirthing or any therapy technique that may be considered similar to rebirthing as a therapeutic treatment. "Rebirthing" means the reenactment of the birthing process through therapy techniques that involve any restraint that creates a situation in which a patient may suffer physical injury or death. For the purposes of this subparagraph (IV), a parent or legal guardian may not consent to physical, chemical, or mechanical restraint on behalf of a child or ward.
(u) Has falsified or repeatedly made incorrect essential entries or repeatedly failed to make essential entries on patient records;
(v) Has committed a fraudulent insurance act, as set forth in section 10-1-128, C.R.S.;
(w) Has sold or fraudulently obtained or furnished a license, registration, or certification to practice as a psychologist, social worker, marriage and family therapist, licensed professional counselor, psychotherapist, or addiction counselor or has aided or abetted in such activities; or
(x) Has failed to respond, in the manner required by the board, to a complaint filed with or by the board against the licensee, registrant, or certificate holder.
(2) A disciplinary action relating to a license, registration, or certification to practice a profession licensed, registered, or certified under this article or any related occupation in any other state, territory, or country for disciplinary reasons constitutes prima facie evidence of grounds for disciplinary action, including denial of licensure, registration, or certification, by a board. This subsection (2) applies only to disciplinary actions based upon acts or omissions in such other state, territory, or country substantially similar to those acts or omissions set out as grounds for disciplinary action pursuant to subsection (1) of this section.