(1) Notwithstanding any other provision of this article, an applicant of noteworthy and recognized professional attainment who is a graduate of a foreign medical school and who is licensed in a foreign jurisdiction, if that jurisdiction has a licensing procedure, may be granted a distinguished foreign teaching physician license to practice medicine in this state, upon application to the board in the manner determined by the board, if the following conditions are met:
(a) The applicant has been invited by a medical school in this state to serve as a full-time member of its academic faculty for the period of his or her appointment, at a rank equal to an associate professor or higher;
(b) The applicant's medical practice is limited to that required by his or her academic position, the limitation is so designated on the license in accordance with board procedure, and the medical practice is also limited to the core teaching hospitals affiliated with the medical school, as identified by the board, on which the applicant is serving as a faculty member.
(2) An applicant who meets the qualifications and conditions set forth in subsection (1) of this section but is not offered the rank of associate professor or higher may be granted a temporary license, for one year only, to practice medicine in this state, as a member of the academic faculty, at the discretion of the board and in the manner determined by the board. If the applicant is granted a temporary license, he or she shall practice only under the direct supervision of a person who has the rank of associate professor or higher.
(3) A distinguished foreign teaching physician license is effective and in force only while the holder is serving on the academic staff of a medical school. The license expires one year after the date of issuance and may be renewed annually only after the board has specifically determined that the conditions specified in subsection (1) or (2) of this section will continue during the ensuing period of licensure. The board may require an applicant for licensure under this section to present himself or herself to the board for an interview. The board may withdraw licensure granted under this section prior to the expiration of the license for unprofessional conduct as defined in section 12-36-117.
(4) The board may establish and charge a fee for a distinguished foreign teaching physician license pursuant to section 24-34-105, C.R.S., not to exceed the amount of the fee for renewal of a physician's license.
(5) The board shall promulgate rules specifying standards related to the qualification and supervision of distinguished foreign teaching physicians.