(1) The board shall not have the power to create any indebtedness on behalf of the state. All examination and other fees under this article shall be collected by the board and transmitted to the state treasurer, who shall credit the same pursuant to section 24-34-105, C.R.S., and the general assembly shall make annual appropriations pursuant to said section for the uses and purposes of this article. Expenditures from such appropriations shall be made upon vouchers and warrants drawn pursuant to law.
(2) Appropriations made to the board may be applied only to the payment of:
(a) The necessary traveling, hotel, and clerical expenses of the members of the board in the performance of their duties;
(b) Dues for membership in the American association of dental boards, or its successor association, and the expense of sending delegates to the association's convention; and
(c) Other expenditures necessary or proper to carry out and execute the powers and duties of the board and implement this article.
(3) Publications of the board circulated in quantity outside the executive branch shall be issued in accordance with the provisions of section 24-1-136, C.R.S.