(1) The board, through the department of regulatory agencies, may employ administrative law judges, on a full-time or part-time basis, to conduct hearings as provided by this article or on any matter within the board's jurisdiction upon such conditions and terms as the board may determine.
(2) A proceeding for the discipline of a licensee may be commenced when the board has reasonable grounds to believe that a licensee under the board's jurisdiction has committed an act that may violate section 12-33-117.
(3) The attendance of witnesses and the production of books, patient records, papers, and other pertinent documents at the hearing may be summoned by subpoenas issued by the board, which shall be served in the manner provided by the Colorado rules of civil procedure for service of subpoenas.
(3.5) (Deleted by amendment, L. 2004, p. 1825, § 65, effective August 4, 2004.)
(4) Disciplinary proceedings and hearings shall be conducted in the manner prescribed by article 4 of title 24, C.R.S.
(5) A previously issued license to engage in the practice of chiropractic shall not be revoked or suspended until after a hearing conducted pursuant to section 24-4-105, C.R.S., except in the case of a deliberate and willful violation of this article or if the public health, safety, and welfare require emergency action under section 24-4-104 (4), C.R.S. The denial of an application to renew an existing license shall be treated in all respects as a revocation. If an application for a new license is denied, the applicant, within sixty days after the giving of notice of such action, may request a hearing as provided in section 24-4-105, C.R.S.
(6) Repealed.
(7) (a) The board or an administrative law judge shall have the power to administer oaths, take affirmations of witnesses, and issue subpoenas to compel the attendance of witnesses and the production of all relevant papers, books, records, documentary evidence, and materials in any hearing, investigation, accusation, or other matter coming before the board. The board may appoint an administrative law judge pursuant to part 10 of article 30 of title 24, C.R.S., to take evidence and to make findings and report them to the board. The person providing such copies shall prepare them from the original record and shall delete from the copy provided pursuant to the subpoena the name of the patient, but he or she shall identify the patient by a numbered code, to be retained by the custodian of the records from which the copies were made.
(b) Upon certification of the custodian that the copies are true and complete except for the patient's name, they shall be deemed authentic, subject to the right to subpoena the originals for the limited purpose of ascertaining the accuracy of the copies. The originals shall remain confidential and be returned to the custodian as soon as the accuracy of the copy is ascertained or as soon as the case is concluded if the original is needed as evidence of falsification. No privilege of confidentiality shall exist with respect to such copies, and no liability shall lie against the board or the custodian for furnishing or using such copies in accordance with this subsection (7).
(c) Upon failure of any witness to comply with such subpoena or process, the district court of the county in which the subpoenaed person or licensee resides or conducts business, upon application by the board or director with notice to the subpoenaed person or licensee, may issue to the person or licensee an order requiring that person or licensee to appear before the board or director; to produce the relevant papers, books, records, documentary evidence, or materials if so ordered; or to give evidence touching the matter under investigation or in question. Failure to obey the order of the court may be punished by the court as a contempt of court.
(8) If a licensee has committed an act which violates section 12-33-117, the board shall withhold, revoke, or suspend an existing license, issue a letter of admonition, or grant probation on terms and conditions set by the board, or otherwise discipline a licensee as provided for in this article. A revoked or suspended license may thereafter be reissued by the board. The board may dismiss or terminate probation prior to the completion of the probationary period.
(9) (a) When a complaint or an investigation discloses an instance of misconduct that, in the opinion of the board, does not warrant formal action by the board but that should not be dismissed as being without merit, a letter of admonition may be sent by certified mail to the chiropractor against whom the complaint was made and a copy also sent to the person making the complaint. When a letter of admonition is sent by certified mail by the board to a chiropractor complained against, such chiropractor shall be advised that he or she has the right to request in writing, within twenty days after receipt of the letter, that formal disciplinary proceedings be initiated to adjudicate the propriety of the conduct upon which the letter of admonition is based. If such request is timely made, the letter of admonition shall be deemed vacated, and the matter shall be processed by means of formal disciplinary proceedings.
(b) When a complaint or an investigation discloses an instance of misconduct that, in the opinion of the board, warrants formal action, the complaint shall not be resolved by a deferred settlement, action, judgment, or prosecution.
(10) Notwithstanding other laws to the contrary, investigations, examinations, meetings, and other proceedings of the board conducted pursuant to this section are not required to be conducted publically and minutes of the board need not be open to public inspection; except that final action of the board taken pursuant to this section shall be open to the public.