(1) An elector casting a provisional ballot shall complete and sign the provisional ballot affidavit and cast the ballot.
(2) The fact that an elector casts a provisional ballot shall be indicated on the signature card or pollbook next to the elector's name.
(3) The election judge shall examine the provisional ballot affidavit. If the election judge notices that the elector did not sign the affidavit, the election judge shall inform the elector that the provisional ballot will not be counted if the affidavit is not signed.
(4) If an elector who is casting a provisional ballot does not show identification as required by section 1-7-110 (2), the election official shall indicate on a space provided on the provisional ballot envelope that the elector did not show identification.
(5) If paper provisional ballots and envelopes are used in an election, the provisional ballot envelope containing the marked provisional ballot shall be deposited in a ballot container. All paper provisional ballots cast shall remain sealed in their envelopes for return to the county clerk and recorder or designated election official.
(6) After an elector casts a provisional ballot, the election official shall give the elector a written notice that an elector who casts a provisional ballot has the right to know whether the vote was counted and the reason if the provisional ballot was not counted. The notice shall specify the toll-free telephone number, internet website, or other free access system established by the secretary of state or the designated election official by means of which the elector may receive this information about the elector's provisional ballot.