(1) Before any mail ballot is delivered or mailed or before any eligible elector is permitted to cast a vote at an election where the county clerk and recorder is the designated election official, the designated election official shall record the date the ballot is delivered or mailed in the statewide voter registration database.
(2) For nonpartisan elections coordinated by the county clerk and recorder, voters shall be recorded in the statewide voter registration database.
(3) The county clerk and recorder or designated election official shall record in the statewide voter registration system created in section 1-2-301 (1) the names and precinct numbers of eligible electors, together with the date on which the mail ballot was sent and the date on which each mail ballot was returned or otherwise cast. For unaffiliated electors in a primary election, the county clerk and recorder shall record which political party's ballot the elector cast. If a mail ballot is not returned or otherwise cast, or if it is rejected and not counted, that fact must be recorded in the statewide voter registration system. The information is subject to public inspection under applicable laws and rules.