(1) No election-related activity may be conducted within one hundred feet of any building in which a polling location or drop-off location is located except that of the conduct of the election at the polling location or drop-off location.
(2) No polling location or drop-off location shall be located in a room in which any intoxicating malt, spirituous, or vinous liquors are being served.
(3) The polling locations or drop-off locations shall be in public locations wherever possible. A private location may be used only when no appropriate public location is available.
(4) For the purposes of subsection (1) of this section and section 1-13-714, when a polling location or drop-off location is within a multi-use building such as a shopping mall or county office building, the "building" is considered the room in which ballots are cast, any waiting room or hall where electors wait to vote, as well as a primary corridor where electors walk to an interior polling location or drop-off location, and the designated exterior door to the multi-use building in which the polling location or drop-off location is located.