(1) In addition to all other requirements of law, the official ballot shall contain the statement described in section 1-12-103 stating the grounds for demanding the officer's recall. The officer sought to be recalled may submit to the designated election official a statement of three hundred words or fewer justifying the officer's course of conduct. The officer shall not include any profane or false statements in the statement of justification. The officer shall submit the statement no later than ten business days after the petition has been deemed sufficient and the time for protest has passed. The official ballot shall contain the statement of justification if submitted pursuant to this subsection (1).
(2) Ballots for the election of a successor to the officer sought to be recalled shall contain the candidates' names which shall be placed on the ballot by lot, regardless of the method of nomination.
(3) The official ballot for the election of a successor to the officer sought to be recalled shall contain a blank space in which the elector may write the name of a write-in candidate who has timely filed an affidavit of intent in accordance with section 1-12-115.