(a) For the 1998–99 fiscal year, levels of payment for supported living service providers that are vendored pursuant to Section 4689 shall be increased based on the amount appropriated in this section for the purpose of increasing the salary, wage, and benefits for direct care workers providing supported living services.
(b) The sum of five million fifty-seven thousand dollars ($5,057,000) is hereby appropriated in augmentation of the appropriations made in the Budget Act of 1998 to implement this section as follows:
(1) The sum of two million four hundred five thousand dollars ($2,405,000) is hereby appropriated from the General Fund to the State Department of Health Services in augmentation of the appropriation made in Item 4260-101-0001.
(2) The sum of two million five hundred fifty-one thousand dollars ($2,551,000) is hereby appropriated from the Federal Trust Fund to the State Department of Health Services in augmentation of the appropriation made in Item 4260-101-0890.
(3) The sum of one hundred one thousand dollars ($101,000) is hereby appropriated from the General Fund to the Department of Developmental Services in augmentation of the appropriation made in Item 4300-101-0001, scheduled as follows:
10.10—Regional Centers
(b) 10.10.020 Purchase of Services
(e) Reimbursements
(c) By July 1, 2002, in consultation with stakeholder organizations, the department shall establish by regulation, an equitable and cost-effective methodology for the determination of supported living costs and a methodology of payment for providers of supported living services. The methodology shall consider the special needs of persons with developmental disabilities and the quality of services to be provided.
(Amended by Stats. 2000, Ch. 93, Sec. 48. Effective July 7, 2000.)