Section 75026.

CA Pub Res Code § 75026 (2019) (N/A)
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(a) The sum of one billion dollars ($1,000,000,000) shall be available to the department for grants for projects that assist local public agencies to meet the long term water needs of the state including the delivery of safe drinking water and the protection of water quality and the environment. Eligible projects must implement integrated regional water management plans that meet the requirements of this section. Integrated regional water management plans shall identify and address the major water related objectives and conflicts within the region, consider all of the resource management strategies identified in the California Water Plan, and use an integrated, multi-benefit approach to project selection and design. Plans shall include performance measures and monitoring to document progress toward meeting plan objectives. Projects that may be funded pursuant to this section must be consistent with an adopted integrated regional water management plan or its functional equivalent as defined in the department’s Integrated Regional Water Management Guidelines, must provide multiple benefits, and must include one or more of the following project elements:

(1) Water supply reliability, water conservation and water use efficiency.

(2) Storm water capture, storage, clean-up, treatment, and management.

(3) Removal of invasive non-native species, the creation and enhancement of wetlands, and the acquisition, protection, and restoration of open space and watershed lands.

(4) Non-point source pollution reduction, management and monitoring.

(5) Groundwater recharge and management projects.

(6) Contaminant and salt removal through reclamation, desalting, and other treatment technologies and conveyance of reclaimed water for distribution to users.

(7) Water banking, exchange, reclamation and improvement of water quality.

(8) Planning and implementation of multipurpose flood management programs.

(9) Watershed protection and management.

(10) Drinking water treatment and distribution.

(11) Ecosystem and fisheries restoration and protection.

(b) The Department of Water Resources shall give preference to proposals that satisfy the following criteria:

(1) Proposals that effectively integrate water management programs and projects within a hydrologic region identified in the California Water Plan; the Regional Water Quality Control Board region or subdivision or other region or sub-region specifically identified by the department.

(2) Proposals that effectively integrate water management with land use planning.

(3) Proposals that effectively resolve significant water-related conflicts within or between regions.

(4) Proposals that contribute to the attainment of one or more of the objectives of the CALFED Bay-Delta Program.

(5) Proposals that address statewide priorities.

(6) Proposals that address critical water supply or water quality needs for disadvantaged communities within the region.

(c) Not more than 5% of the funds provided by this section may be used for grants or direct expenditures for the development, updating or improvement of integrated regional water management plans.

(d) The department shall coordinate the provisions of this section with the program provided in Chapter 8 of Division 26.5 of the Water Code and may implement this section using existing Integrated Regional Water Management Guidelines.

(Added November 7, 2006, by initiative Proposition 84.)