Section 21189.55.

CA Pub Res Code § 21189.55 (2019) (N/A)
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(a) Within 10 days after the release of the draft environmental impact report, the lead agency shall conduct an informational workshop to inform the public of the key analyses and conclusions of that report.

(b) Within 10 days before the close of the public comment period, the lead agency shall hold a public hearing to receive testimony on the draft environmental impact report. A transcript of the hearing shall be included as an appendix to the final environmental impact report.

(c) (1) Within five days following the close of the public comment period, a commenter on the draft environmental impact report may submit to the lead agency a written request for nonbinding mediation. The lead agency shall participate in nonbinding mediation with all commenters who submitted timely comments on the draft environmental impact report and who requested the mediation. Mediation conducted pursuant to this paragraph shall end no later than 35 days after the close of the public comment period.

(2) A request for mediation shall identify all areas of dispute raised in the comment submitted by the commenter that are to be mediated.

(3) The lead agency shall select one or more mediators who shall be retired judges or recognized experts with at least five years experience in land use and environmental law or science, or mediation.

(4) A mediation session shall be conducted on each area of dispute with the parties requesting mediation on that area of dispute.

(5) The lead agency shall adopt, as a condition of approval, any measures agreed upon by the lead agency and any commenter who requested mediation. A commenter who agrees to a measure pursuant to this subparagraph shall not raise the issue addressed by that measure as a basis for an action or proceeding challenging the lead agency’s decision to certify the environmental impact report or to grant one or more initial project approvals.

(d) The lead agency need not consider written comments submitted after the close of the public comment period, unless those comments address any of the following:

(1) New issues raised in the response to comments by the lead agency.

(2) New information released by the public agency subsequent to the release of the draft environmental impact report, such as new information set forth or embodied in a staff report, proposed permit, proposed resolution, ordinance, or similar documents.

(3) Changes made to the project after the close of the public comment period.

(4) Proposed conditions for approval, mitigation measures, or proposed findings required by Section 21081 or a proposed reporting and monitoring program required by paragraph (1) of subdivision (a) of Section 21081.6, where the lead agency releases those documents subsequent to the release of the draft environmental impact report.

(5) New information that was not reasonably known and could not have been reasonably known during the public comment period.

(Added by Stats. 2016, Ch. 31, Sec. 271. (SB 836) Effective June 27, 2016.)