Section 25284.1.

CA Health & Safety Code § 25284.1 (2019) (N/A)
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(a) The board shall take all of the following actions with regard to the prevention of unauthorized releases from petroleum underground storage tanks:

(1) On or before June 1, 2000, initiate a field-based research program to quantify the probability and environmental significance of releases from underground storage tank systems meeting the 1998 upgrade requirements specified in Section 25284, as that section read on January 1, 2002. The research program shall do all of the following:

(A) Seek to identify the source and causes of releases and any deficiencies in leak detection systems.

(B) Include single-walled, double-walled, and hybrid tank systems, and avoid bias towards known leaking underground storage tank systems by including a statistically valid sample of all operating underground storage tank systems.

(C) Include peer review.

(2) Complete the research program on or before June 1, 2002.

(3) Use the results of the research program to develop appropriate changes in design, construction, monitoring, operation, and maintenance requirements for tank systems.

(4) On or before January 1, 2001, adopt regulations to do all of the following:

(A) (i) Require underground storage tank owners, operators, service technicians, installers, and inspectors to meet minimum industry-established training standards and require tank facilities to be operated in a manner consistent with industry-established best management practices.

(ii) The board shall implement an outreach effort to educate small business owners or operators on the importance of the regulations adopted pursuant to this subparagraph.

(B) (i) Except as provided in clauses (ii) and (iii), require testing of the secondary containment components, including under-dispenser and pump turbine containment components, upon initial installation of a secondary containment component and periodically thereafter, to ensure that the system is capable of containing releases from the primary containment until a release is detected and cleaned up. The board shall consult with the petroleum industry and local government to assess the appropriate test or tests that would comply with this subparagraph.

(ii) Secondary containment components that are part of an emergency generator tank system may be tested using enhanced leak detection, if the test is performed at the frequency specified by the board for testing of secondary containment pursuant to Section 2644.1 of Title 23 of the California Code of Regulations. If the results of the enhanced leak detection test indicate that any component of the emergency generator tank system is leaking liquid or vapor, the owner or operator shall take appropriate actions to correct the leakage, and the owner or operator shall retest the system using enhanced leak detection until the system is no longer leaking liquid or vapor.

(iii) Any tank or piping that is part of an emergency generator tank system and located within a structure as described in paragraph (2) of subdivision (a) of Section 25283.5 is exempt from the secondary containment testing required by clause (i), if the owner or operator conducts visual inspections of tank or piping each time the tank system is operated, but no less than monthly, and maintains a log of inspection results for review by the local agency. This clause is not applicable if the board adopts regulations pursuant to Section 25299.3 that address the design, construction, upgrade, and monitoring of unburied tanks that are part of an emergency generator tank system.

(C) Require annual testing of release detection sensors and alarms, including under-dispenser and pump turbine containment sensors and alarms. The board shall consult with the petroleum industry and local government to assess the appropriate test or tests that would comply with this subparagraph.

(5) (A) Require an owner or operator of an underground storage tank installed after July 1, 1987, if a tank is located within 1,000 feet of a public drinking water well, as identified pursuant to the state GIS mapping database, to have the underground storage tank system fitted, on or before July 1, 2001, with under-dispenser containment or a spill containment or control system that is approved by the board as capable of containing any accidental release.

(B) Require all underground storage tanks installed after January 1, 2000, to have the tank system fitted with under-dispenser containment or a spill containment or control system to meet the requirements of subparagraph (A).

(C) Require an owner or operator of an underground storage tank that is not otherwise subject to subparagraph (A), and not subject to subparagraph (B), to have the underground storage tank system fitted to meet the requirements of subparagraph (A), on or before December 31, 2003.

(D) On and after January 1, 2002, no person shall install, repair, maintain, or calibrate monitoring equipment for an underground storage tank unless that person satisfies both of the following requirements:

(i) The person has fulfilled training standards identified by the board in regulations adopted pursuant to this section.

(ii) The person possesses a tank testing license issued by the board pursuant to Section 25284.4, or a Class “A” General Engineering Contractor License, C-10 Electrical Contractor License, C-34 Pipeline Contractor License, C-36 Plumbing Contractor License, or C-61 (D40) Limited Specialty Service Station Equipment and Maintenance Contractor License issued by the Contractors’ State License Board.

(E) Loans and grants for the installation of under-dispenser containment or a spill containment or control system shall be made available pursuant to Chapter 6.76 (commencing with Section 25299.100).

(6) Convene a panel of local agency and regional board representatives to review existing enforcement authority and procedures and to advise the board of any changes that are needed to enable local agencies to take adequate enforcement action against owners and operators of noncompliant underground storage tank facilities. The panel shall make its recommendations to the board on or before September 30, 2001. Based on the recommendations of the panel, the board shall also establish effective enforcement procedures in cases involving fraud.

(b) On or before July 1, 2001, the Contractors’ State License Board, in consultation with the board, the petroleum industry, air pollution control districts, air quality management districts, and local government, shall review its requirements for petroleum underground storage tank system installation and removal contractors and make changes, where appropriate, to ensure these contractors are qualified.

(Amended by Stats. 2013, Ch. 640, Sec. 1. (SB 763) Effective January 1, 2014.)