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CHAPTER 3 - County Employees Retirement Law of 197
CHAPTER 3 - County Employees Retirement Law of 197
ARTICLE 1 - General
ARTICLE 1.4 - Alternative Plan for Counties of the 16th Class
ARTICLE 1.5 - Alternative Plan for Counties with Populations in Excess of Six Million
ARTICLE 1.6 - Alternative Plan for Counties of the 10th Class
ARTICLE 1.7 - Alternative Plan for Counties of the 25th Class
ARTICLE 1.8 - Alternative Optional, Integrated, Noncontributory Plan for Counties of the 20th Class
ARTICLE 2 - Establishment of System
ARTICLE 2.1 - Additional Plan for Counties of the First Class
ARTICLE 2.6 - Alternative Plan for Counties of the 13th Class
ARTICLE 2.7 - General Limitations
ARTICLE 3 - Retirement Board
ARTICLE 4 - Membership
ARTICLE 4.5 - Big Bear Fire Agencies Pension Consolidation Act of 2018
ARTICLE 5 - Financial Provisions
ARTICLE 5.5 - Alternative Financial Provisions
ARTICLE 6 - Members Contributions
ARTICLE 6.8 - Safety Members Contributions
ARTICLE 7 - Service
ARTICLE 7.5 - Retirement of Safety Members for Service
ARTICLE 8 - Retirement for Service
ARTICLE 8.4 - Community Property
ARTICLE 8.5 - Group Insurance
ARTICLE 8.6 - Post-Employment Benefits
ARTICLE 8.7 - Extension of Safety Member Provisions
ARTICLE 8.8 - Long-Term Care Group Insurance
ARTICLE 8.9 - Vision Care
ARTICLE 8.10 - Post-Employment Health Benefits: San Bernardino County Alternative Fund
ARTICLE 8.11 - Dental Care
ARTICLE 9 - Deferred Retirement
ARTICLE 10 - Disability Retirement
ARTICLE 11 - Optional Retirement Allowances
ARTICLE 11.5 - Deferred Retirement Option Program
ARTICLE 12 - Death Benefit
ARTICLE 13 - Integration With Old Age and Survivors Insurance
ARTICLE 14 - Subrogation
ARTICLE 15 - Reciprocal Benefits
ARTICLE 15.5 - Survivors Allowances
ARTICLE 15.6 - Survivors Allowances
ARTICLE 16 - Alternate Survivors Allowances
ARTICLE 16.5 - Cost of Living Adjustment
ARTICLE 16.6 - Retrospective Cost-of-Living Adjustment
ARTICLE 17 - Integration with Federal Old Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance
ARTICLE 17.5 - Termination of Social Security in Counties with a Population Exceeding 6,000,000
ARTICLE 18 - Adjustment to Fit Other Allowances