(a) The Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality or its successor shall have the following powers and duties:
(1) To administer and enforce all laws, rules, and regulations relating to solid waste disposal;
(2) To advise, consult, and cooperate with appropriate federal, state, interstate, and local units of government and with affected groups and industries in the formation of plans and the implementation of a solid waste management program pursuant to this subchapter;
(3) To accept and administer loans and grants from the federal government and from such other sources as may be available to the Arkansas Pollution Control and Ecology Commission for the planning, construction, and operation of solid waste management systems and disposal facilities;
(4) To develop a statewide solid waste management plan in cooperation with municipal and county governments and solid waste boards which gives emphasis to regional planning, where feasible;
(5) To require to be submitted and to approve plans and specifications for the construction and operation of solid waste disposal facilities and sites and to inspect the construction and operation thereof;
(6) To issue, continue in effect, revoke, modify, or deny, under such conditions as it may prescribe, permits for the establishment, construction, operation, or maintenance of solid waste management systems, disposal sites, and facilities;
(7) To make investigations, inspections, and to hold such hearings, after notice, as it may deem necessary or advisable for the discharge of duties under this subchapter and to ensure compliance with this subchapter and any orders, rules, and regulations issued pursuant thereto;
(8) To make, issue, modify, revoke, and enforce orders, after notice and opportunity for adjudicatory review by the commission, prohibiting violation of any of the provisions of this subchapter or of any rules and regulations issued pursuant to it, and to require the taking of such remedial measures for solid waste disposal as may be necessary or appropriate to implement or effectuate the provisions and purposes of this subchapter;
(9) To institute proceedings in the name of the department in any court of competent jurisdiction to compel compliance with and to restrain violation of the provisions of this subchapter or any rules, regulations, and orders issued pursuant thereto and to require the taking of such remedial measures for solid waste disposal as may be necessary or appropriate to implement or effectuate the provisions and purposes of this subchapter;
(10) To initiate, conduct, and support research, demonstration projects, and investigations and to coordinate with all state agency research programs pertaining to solid waste disposal and management systems;
(11) To make periodic inspections not less than quarterly in accordance with regulations promulgated by the commission of all solid waste disposal facilities or sites permitted under this subchapter to ensure compliance with all requirements of this subchapter and the regulations promulgated under this subchapter and to make a final inspection of closed or abandoned solid waste disposal sites to determine compliance with rules and regulations for proper closure and proper filling and drainage of the site;
(12) To issue, continue in effect, revoke, modify, or deny, under such conditions as it may prescribe, permits for the establishment, construction, operation, or maintenance of transfer stations;
(13) To regulate and license persons engaged in the business of transporting used and waste tires;
(14) To establish minimum standards for the operation of a solid waste collection system; and
(15) Upon the petition of a solid waste board or upon its own initiative to revoke, modify, or deny a permit for a solid waste disposal facility or a permit for any other element of a solid waste management system based upon noncompliance with an approved regional solid waste management plan of a solid waste board.
(b) The Arkansas Pollution Control and Ecology Commission shall have the following powers and duties:
(A) Promulgation of rules and regulations implementing the substantive statutes charged to the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality for administration.
(B) In promulgation of such rules and regulations, prior to the submittal to public comment and review of any rule, regulation, or change to any rule or regulation that is more stringent than federal requirements, the commission shall duly consider the economic impact and the environmental benefit of such rule or regulation on the people of the State of Arkansas, including those entities that will be subject to the regulation.
(C) The commission shall promptly initiate rulemaking proceedings to further implement the analysis required under subdivision (b)(1)(B) of this section.
(D) The extent of the analysis required under subdivision (b)(1)(B) of this section shall be defined in the commission's rulemaking required under subdivision (b)(1)(C) of this section. It will include a written report which shall be available for public review along with the proposed rule in the public comment period.
(E) Upon completion of the public comment period, the commission shall compile a rulemaking record or response to comments demonstrating a reasoned evaluation of the relative impact and benefits of the more stringent regulation;
(2) Promulgation of rules, regulations, and procedures not otherwise governed by applicable law which the commission deems necessary to secure public participation in environmental decision-making processes;
(3) Promulgation of rules and regulations governing administrative procedures for challenging or contesting department actions;
(4) In the case of permitting or grants decisions, providing the right to appeal a permitting or grants decision rendered by the Director of the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality or his or her delegatee;
(5) In the case of an administrative enforcement or emergency action, providing the right to contest any such action initiated by the director;
(6) Instruct the director to prepare such reports or perform such studies as will advance the cause of environmental protection in the state;
(7) Make recommendations to the director regarding overall policy and administration of the department, provided, however, that the director shall always remain within the plenary authority of the Governor;
(8) Upon a majority vote, initiate review of any director's decision;
(9) To establish policies and standards for effective solid waste disposal and management systems; and
(10) To adopt, after notice and public hearing, and to promulgate, modify, repeal, and enforce rules and regulations for the source reduction, minimization, recycling, collection, transportation, processing, storage, and disposal of solid wastes, including, but not limited to, the disposal site location and the construction, operation, and maintenance of the disposal site or disposal process as necessary or appropriate to implement or effectuate the purposes and intent of this subchapter and the powers and duties of the commission under this subchapter.