(a) The State Teacher Education Program shall be used to provide a loan repayment for federal student loans in the amount of:
(1) Three thousand dollars ($3,000) per year for a maximum of three (3) years for a licensed teacher who graduated from a teacher education program after April 2004 and teaches in a public school in this state:
(A) In a subject area designated by the Department of Higher Education in consultation with the Department of Education as having a critical shortage of teachers; or
(B) Located in a geographical area of the state designated by the Department of Higher Education in consultation with the Department of Education as having a critical shortage of teachers; and
(2) An additional one thousand dollars ($1,000) per year for a maximum of three (3) years for a licensed teacher who is a minority and who graduated from a teacher education program after April 2004 and teaches in a public school in this state.
(b) The Department of Higher Education may spend no more than fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) annually for costs associated with the administration of the program.
(c) The Department of Higher Education shall promulgate rules necessary for the implementation of this subchapter.