(a) The Public School Academic Equipment Manual shall contain uniform standards for technology systems, instructional materials, and related academic equipment determined to be necessary for a public school to provide an adequate education as described in § 6-20-2302.
(b) (1) The standards for technology systems, instructional materials, and related academic equipment shall address the following areas:
(A) Science and mathematics;
(B) Library media center;
(C) English and language arts;
(D) Foreign languages;
(E) Social studies;
(F) Health education and physical education;
(G) Art;
(H) Music;
(I) Guidance and health services; and
(J) Workforce education.
(2) The standards shall account for variations in a school district's use of and need for technology systems, instructional materials, and related academic equipment such as size of school district, grade configuration of schools within the school district, number of course offerings available, and enrollment levels.
(3) The standards shall establish a method for creating, maintaining, and updating an inventory of public school academic equipment, including, without limitation, technology systems, instructional materials, and related academic equipment.