(1) Improve the college readiness of all students in grade eleven (11);
(2) Prevent or minimize the continued remediation of nearly fifty percent (50%) of all students entering Arkansas institutions of higher education in one (1) or more subjects because they do not meet the college readiness score of nineteen (19) or higher on the ACT Assessment;
(3) Advance the number of students, including students of low income, English-language learners, and minority students, taking the ACT Assessment while in grade eleven (11) to increase the number of first-generation college students;
(4) Increase the college participation rates among all racial and ethnic groups;
(5) Improve preparation for college and the workforce;
(6) Improve the course selection patterns of high school students;
(7) Increase the early identification of college-ready students;
(8) Support students participating in the Smart Core by providing a baseline for their college and workforce readiness and an opportunity to benefit from earlier remediation such as the College Preparatory Enrichment Program or course selection review; and
(9) Provide a link between what students have learned, what they need to learn, and what is necessary in order to be college or workforce ready or both by providing expectations and measuring their progress.