(1) "Administrative annexation" means the joining of an affected school district or a part of the school district with a receiving district;
(2) "Administrative consolidation" means the joining of two (2) or more school districts to create a new single school district with one (1) administrative unit and one (1) board of directors that is not required to close school facilities;
(3) "Affected district" means a school district that loses territory or students as a result of administrative annexation or administrative consolidation;
(4) "Average daily membership" has the same meaning as defined in § 6-20-2303;
(5) "Receiving district" means a school district or districts that receive territory or students, or both, from an affected district as a result of administrative annexation; and
(6) "Resulting district" means the new school district created from an affected district or districts as a result of administrative consolidation.