(1) Each judicial district of this state may establish a pre-adjudication probation program under this subchapter.
(2) The structure, method, and operation of the pre-adjudication probation program may differ and shall be based upon the specific needs of and resources available to the judicial district where the pre-adjudication probation program is located.
(1) A pre-adjudication probation program may incorporate services from various state agencies and educational institutions, including without limitation the Department of Community Correction, the Department of Human Services, the Adult Education Section of the Department of Career Education, vocational schools, technical schools, community colleges, and two-year and four-year public universities.
(2) Participating state agencies and educational institutions may provide:
(A) Persons to serve as pre-adjudication probation officers, drug counselors, or other support staff;
(B) Drug testing and other substance-abuse facilities;
(C) Intensive short-term and long-term residential treatment for participants in the pre-adjudication probation program who have demonstrated a need for substance abuse treatment or other mental health-related treatment;
(D) Educational materials, classrooms, and staff; and
(E) Other personnel, support staff, or facilities that the circuit court administering the pre-adjudication probation program finds necessary or helpful.
(c) Subject to an appropriation, funding, and position authorization, both programmatic and administrative, the Administrative Office of the Courts shall:
(1) Provide state-level coordination and support for circuit courts administering the pre-adjudication probation program;
(2) Administer funds for the maintenance and operation of local pre-adjudication probation programs;
(3) Provide training and education to judges and other professionals involved in pre-adjudication probation programs; and
(4) Operate as a liaison between judges and other state-level agencies providing services to pre-adjudication probation programs.