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U.S. State Codes
Title 26 - Taxation
Subtitle 5 - State Taxes
Chapter 51 - Income Taxes
Subchapter 25 - Income Tax Refund Check-Off and...
Subchapter 25 - Income Tax Refund Check-Off and Contribution Programs
§ 26-51-2502. Disaster Relief Income Tax Check-Off Program
§ 26-51-2503. Contribution to the Arkansas School for the Blind and the Arkansas School for the Deaf
§ 26-51-2504. Baby Sharon Act
§ 26-51-2505. Voluntary contributions to Organ Donor Awareness Education Trust Fund
§ 26-51-2506. Military Family Relief Check-off Program
§ 26-51-2507. Contribution to Arkansas Area Agencies on Aging
§ 26-51-2508. Income tax check-off program for contributions to the Newborn Umbilical Cord Blood Initiative
§ 26-51-2509. Contribution to Arkansas Tax-Deferred Tuition Savings Program account
§ 26-51-2510. Contributions to the Arkansas Game and Fish Foundation