(a) The county collector may collect, at any time, all delinquent personal property tax in his or her county, or any that may be sent from another county, by the sale of property or otherwise, and the county collector shall make returns of the amount so collected to the proper counties and officers.
(1) The county collector shall pay over to the county treasurer on the first day of each month or within ten (10) days after the first day of each month all amounts collected for his or her county under this section.
(2) However, upon a certificate of distribution of the amounts collected under this section being prepared by the county clerk, county collector, or other county officer designated pursuant to § 26-28-102(a), which certificate shall be issued on or before the thirtieth day of each month, the county treasurer shall transfer to the various funds the amount due each fund.
(1) All costs associated with such delinquent personal property taxes shall be prorated to the original taxing entities.
(2) All penalties shall be deposited as county revenues in the county general fund.
(d) For purposes of this section, the costs and penalties associated with delinquent personal property taxes shall not be considered a portion of the county collector's revenue in calculating excess commissions.