(1) There is created within the Department of Career Education under the oversight of the Career Education and Workforce Development Board an Office of Skills Development.
(A) The Director of the Office of Skills Development shall be appointed by the Director of the Department of Career Education in consultation with the Career Education and Workforce Development Board.
(B) The Director of the Department of Career Education may hire personnel necessary to carry out the duties of the office.
(3) The office shall have exclusive authority to award grants under this section.
(b) The office shall:
(A) Award grants to public and private organizations for the development and implementation of workforce training programs.
(B) An organization that is awarded a grant under this section may use the grant for the training of both new and incumbent employees of businesses in this state.
(C) As a condition for receiving a grant under this subsection, the office may require a public or private organization to provide matching funds at a percentage to be determined by the office;
(2) Design procedures and criteria for awarding grants under this section;
(3) Receive and review applications for grants under this section;
(4) Prescribe the form, nature, and extent of the information that shall be contained in an application for a grant under this section;
(5) Audit and inspect the records of grant recipients;
(6) Require reports from grant recipients; and
(A) Use the Department of Career Education and other available labor market information systems to collect, analyze, and disseminate information on current and projected employment opportunities in this state and other appropriate information relating to labor market dynamics as determined by the office.
(B) The office shall make the information contained in the labor market information system available on the Department of Career Education's website.
(c) On or before October 1 of each year, the office shall submit a report to the Governor and the cochairs of the Legislative Council providing an account of the activities and expenditures of the office during the preceding calendar year.
(d) The office shall consult with the Arkansas Economic Development Commission in reviewing applications for workforce training grants under this section.