(a) Each of the institutions described in § 25-17-301 is authorized to promulgate rules and regulations and to amend or change them from time to time as its governing board shall deem necessary, providing for the operation and parking of motor vehicles upon the grounds, streets, drives, and alleys under its control, including, but not limited to, the following regulations:
(1) Limiting the rate of speed;
(A) Assigning parking spaces and designating parking areas and their uses and collecting charges or fees as rent for those spaces.
(B) The charges or fees collected under subdivision (a)(2)(A) of this section, other than fees for parking or parking passes for athletic events or other special events, shall not be considered as payment for the providing of any service of any nature to the person paying the charges or fees as rent and shall be exempt from the tax levied by § 26-52-301(3);
(3) Prohibiting parking as it deems necessary;
(4) Removing vehicles parked in violation of institutional rules and regulations or city ordinances, at the expense of the violator, who shall pay the expense before the vehicle is released;
(5) Instituting a system of motor vehicle registration for the identification and regulation of vehicles regularly using institutional premises, including a reasonable charge to defray the cost thereof; and
(A) Collecting under an established system administrative charges for violations of institutional rules and regulations governing motor vehicles, their operation, and parking.
(B) However, an administrative finding of violation may be appealed to the appropriate district court where the matter shall be heard de novo.
(b) Rules and regulations, together with any amendments thereto, which may from time to time be adopted by a state institution for the regulation of operation and parking of motor vehicles shall be recorded in the official minutes of the governing board having supervision of the institution, shall be filed with the Secretary of State, and shall be printed, with copies available at convenient locations at the institution or at any separate portion thereof.
(c) Speed limits shall be posted at reasonable intervals, and traffic and parking directions and prohibitions shall be indicated by signs.
(d) From and after the promulgation of the rules and regulations, it shall be unlawful for any person to operate or to park a motor vehicle in violation thereof. Any person violating or refusing to comply with the rules and regulations if not otherwise provided for by city ordinance shall be subjected to a reasonable administrative charge stated in the promulgated rules and regulations.
(1) Persons violating institutional rules and regulations promulgated under this section while using a motor vehicle registered with the institution at the option of the institutional law enforcement officer shall be charged under the institution's system of charges or summoned to appear before any court of competent jurisdiction, to be dealt with according to law. A person adversely affected by any administrative determination as described shall have a right to appeal therefrom to the appropriate district court where the matter shall be heard de novo.
(2) Persons violating institutional rules and regulations under this section while using a motor vehicle not registered with the institution or persons violating city ordinances shall be summoned to appear before the court. Notice placed on the vehicle shall be sufficient as a summons for the purposes of this section.