(a) In addition to all other duties, powers, and responsibilities conferred upon it by other laws of this state, the Arkansas Racing Commission shall exercise the duties, powers, and responsibilities over electronic games of skill and wagering on the electronic games of skill as authorized in this chapter, and without necessarily being limited to the following enumeration, but subject to the other provisions of this chapter, the commission shall:
(1) Regulate the specific games, devices, machines, and equipment played and utilized in connection with wagering on electronic games of skill and the rules of play and methods of operation thereof as contemplated by this chapter, as well as appropriate security and surveillance systems, in order to safeguard fairness and integrity in the conduct and operation of electronic games of skill and wagering on the electronic games of skill;
(2) Regulate the specific times of operation and specific areas on the premises of the franchise holder's racetrack park site where wagering on electronic games of skill may be conducted;
(3) Prescribe the procedures for issuing licenses to employees of the franchise holder conducting electronic games of skill and wagering on the electronic games of skill, including, without limitation, the information to be submitted by the individuals in connection with their background, employment, experience, and character, as reasonably necessary to determine the individuals' qualifications and suitability for the position;
(4) Prescribe the procedures for issuing licenses to persons supplying electronic games of skill to the franchise holder, including, without limitation, the information to be submitted by the persons in connection with their background, experience, character, business activities, and financial affairs, as reasonably necessary to determine the persons' qualifications and suitability for supplying electronic games of skill to franchise holders for use in accordance with this chapter;
(5) Have authority to enter upon the premises where electronic games of skill are being operated and to observe the conduct of wagering thereon; and
(6) Take such other action not inconsistent with law as the commission may deem necessary or desirable in order to supervise and regulate and to effectively control in the public interest the operation of electronic games of skill and conduct of wagering thereon as authorized by this chapter.
(b) The commission may promulgate, revise, amend, and repeal rules, regulations, and orders, consistent with the policy, objects, and purposes of this chapter, as it reasonably deems necessary or desirable in the public interest in carrying out the provisions of this chapter.