(a) There is established the Arkansas Spinal Cord Commission, to consist of five (5) members to be appointed by the Governor from the state at large for terms of ten (10) years and confirmed by the Senate, as provided by law. The members of the commission shall be either spinal cord injured victims themselves, members of the immediate families of spinal cord injured victims, or persons with special knowledge of and experience with spinal cord injuries and dysfunctions who have demonstrated active involvement and interest in the fight against death and disability due to spinal cord injury and dysfunction.
(b) Members of the commission shall serve until their successors are appointed and confirmed.
(c) If a vacancy occurs on the commission due to death, resignation, or other cause, the vacancy shall be filled by appointment of the Governor of a person eligible for the initial appointment as set forth in this section, to serve for the remainder of the unexpired portion of the term of the member.
(1) The commission shall select a disbursing officer of funds appropriated to the commission. All expenditures shall be approved by the chair of the commission prior to their disbursement.
(2) The commission shall annually elect one (1) of its members as chair and one (1) of its members as vice chair, and other officers as the commission deems necessary.
(e) Members of the commission shall serve without pay but shall be reimbursed from commission funds, if available, for reasonable and necessary expenses incurred in attending to commission business, in the same manner and in accordance with the same conditions, restrictions, and limitations as are applicable to employees of the state.
(f) Members of the commission shall qualify by taking the oath of office as prescribed by law.
(g) The commission shall meet at least one (1) time each calendar quarter and at such other times as may be designated by the commission's rules, or upon call by the chair or by the written request of any four (4) members.
(1) From time to time, the commission may create advisory committees as are deemed necessary to assist the commission in formulating policies, effectuating and reviewing operating procedures, and for such other purposes as the commission may deem appropriate.
(2) The members of the advisory committees shall serve without pay, but the commission may reimburse members of the advisory committees for expenses in accordance with § 25-16-901 et seq. if sufficient funds are available.