(1) The owner or operator shall retain a record of all blasts for at least three (3) years.
(2) Upon request, copies of these records shall be made available to the Department of Labor for inspection.
(3) The records shall contain the following data:
(A) The name of the operator or contractor conducting the blast;
(B) The location, date, and time of the blast;
(C) The name and signature and the state certification number of the blaster conducting the blast;
(D) The identification and direction and distance, in feet, from the nearest blast hole to the nearest structure, residence, public building, school, church, or commercial or institutional building outside the perimeter of the mine which is owned or leased by a person other than the mine owner or operator;
(E) The weather conditions, including those which may cause possible adverse blasting effects;
(F) The type of material blasted;
(G) The sketches of the blast pattern, including number of holes, burden, spacing, decks, and delay pattern;
(H) The diameter and depth of the holes;
(I) The types of explosives used;
(J) The total weight of explosives used per hole;
(K) The maximum weight of explosives detonated in an eight-millisecond period;
(L) The initiation system;
(M) The type and length of stemming;
(N) The mats or other protection used;
(O) The seismographic and airblast records, if required, which shall include:
(i) The type of instrument, the sensitivity, and the calibration signal or certification of annual calibration;
(ii) The exact location of the instrument and the date, time, and distance from the blast;
(iii) The name of the person and firm who set up the instrument;
(iv) The name of the person and firm taking the reading;
(v) The name of the person and firm analyzing the seismographic record; and
(vi) The vibration level or airblast level, or both, recorded;
(P) The reasons and conditions for each unscheduled blast; and
(Q) The reasons and conditions for any blast conducted before sunrise or after sunset.
(1) The records required by subsection (a) of this section shall be maintained at the mine where the blast was conducted or at the regular business location of the owner or operator.
(2) Copies of the records required by subsection (a) of this section shall be maintained by the contractor.