(a) The following fees shall be paid before permits may be issued for the installation of any boiler or unfired pressure vessel:
(1) Boilers:
(A) Up to 25 horsepower, incl. ..................… $15.00
(B) Over 25 horsepower to 50 horsepower, incl. ..................… 20.00
(C) Over 50 horsepower to 100 horsepower, incl. ..................… 25.00
(D) Over 100 horsepower to 200 horsepower, incl. ..................… 30.00
(E) Over 200 horsepower to 300 horsepower, incl. ..................… 50.00
(F) Over 300 horsepower to 400 horsepower, incl. ..................… 60.00
(G) Over 400 horsepower to 500 horsepower, incl. ..................… 70.00
(H) Over 500 horsepower ..................… 95.00
(2) Unfired pressure vessels, including hot water storage containers:
(A) 500 gallons capacity or less ..................… $15.00
(B) 501 gallons capacity to 1,000 gallons capacity ..................… 20.00
(C) 1,001 gallons capacity to 5,000 gallons capacity ..................… 40.00
(D) 5,001 gallons capacity and over ..................… 50.00
(b) The fee paid for the issuance of a permit for the installation of pressure piping shall be one hundred dollars ($100).