“DECLARATION “If I should become permanently unconscious, I direct my attending physician, pursuant to the Arkansas Rights of the Terminally Ill or Permanently Unconscious Act, to [withhold or withdraw life-sustaining treatments that are no longer necessary to my comfort or to alleviate pain] [follow the instructions of .......... whom I appoint as my health care proxy to decide whether life-sustaining treatment should be with- held or withdrawn]
It is my specific directive that nutrition may be withheld after consul- tation with my attending physician
It is my specific directive that hydration may be withheld after consul- tation with my attending physician
It is my specific directive that nutrition may not be withheld
It is my specific directive that hydration may not be withheld
Signed this ...... day of .............., 20 ......
Signature ..........................................................................................
Address ............................................................................................
I am a competent adult who is not named as a healthcare proxy in this document. I witnessed the patient’s signature on this form
Witness ............................................................................................
Address ............................................................................................
I am a competent adult who is not named as a healthcare proxy in this document. I am not related to the patient by blood, marriage, or adoption and I would not be entitled to any portion of the patient’s estate upon his or her death under any existing will or codicil or by operation of law. I witnessed the patient’s signature on this form
Witness ............................................................................................
Address ............................................................................................”