(1) The financial impact and reach that diabetes of all types are having on each agency, localities, and the state, including without limitation:
(A) The number of individuals with diabetes that are impacted or covered by the agency;
(B) The number of individuals with diabetes and family members who are impacted by prevention and diabetes control programs implemented by the agency;
(C) The financial toll or impact diabetes and its complications places on the program; and
(D) The financial toll or impact diabetes and its complications places on the program in comparison to other chronic diseases and conditions;
(2) An assessment of the benefits of implemented programs and activities that:
(A) Aims at controlling diabetes and preventing the disease; and
(B) Documents the amount and source for funding directed to the agency or entity from the General Assembly for programs and activities aimed at reaching individuals with diabetes;
(3) A description of the level of coordination existing among the agencies and other entities of activities, programs, and messages on managing, treating, or preventing all forms of diabetes and its complications;
(A) The development or revision of detailed action plans for battling diabetes with a range of actionable items for consideration by the General Assembly.
(B) The plans shall identify:
(i) Proposed actions to reduce the impact of diabetes, prediabetes, and related complications caused by diabetes;
(ii) Expected outcomes of the actions proposed; and
(iii) Benchmarks for controlling and preventing relevant forms of diabetes; and
(5) The development of a detailed budget blueprint:
(A) Identifying needs, costs, and resources required to implement the plan identified in subdivision (4) of this section; and
(B) Including a budget range for all options presented in the plan identified in subdivision (4) of this section for consideration by the General Assembly.