(a) All money paid into the State Treasury by the federal government from the revenue derived from the forest reserves within this state for the benefit of public schools and public roads, as provided by congressional act, to the amount of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) or as much thereof as may be so paid in, shall be appropriated as follows:
(1) Three-fourths (3/4) of the money received by the State Treasury from the federal government from the revenues derived from the forest reserves within this state shall be apportioned to the public schools as provided in § 6-20-218 and Acts 1933, No. 104, § 2 [obsolete]; and
(2) The remaining one-fourth (1/4) shall be apportioned to the public roads of the respective counties from which the money was derived.
(b) The Auditor of State, on the first Monday in September of each year, shall draw his or her warrant on the State Treasury in favor of the county treasurer in each county which has any funds from the forest reserve revenue for the remaining one-fourth (1/4) of the money. The county treasurers shall add it to the funds of their respective counties for the improvement of the public roads. The Auditor of State's warrant shall be drawn upon a certified copy of an order of the county court, directing the county treasurer to draw the funds.