(a) The State Procurement Director shall issue a recycled paper content specification for each type of paper product.
(b) (1) The goal of state agencies for the percentage of paper products to be purchased that utilize recycled paper shall be:
(A) Ten percent (10%) in fiscal year 1991;
(B) Twenty-five percent (25%) in fiscal year 1992;
(C) Forty-five percent (45%) in fiscal year 1993; and
(D) Sixty percent (60%) by calendar year 2000.
(A) The Office of State Procurement shall prepare a semiannual report of the state's progress in meeting the goals for the purchase of paper products with recycled content.
(B) The report shall be made to the Governor.
(1) Whenever a bid is required, a preference for recycled paper products shall be exercised if the use of the products is technically feasible and price is competitive.
(A) For the purpose of procurement of recycled paper products, "competitive" means the bid price does not exceed the lowest qualified bid of a vendor offering paper products manufactured or produced from virgin material by ten percent (10%).
(B) An additional one percent (1%) preference shall be allowed for products containing the largest amount of postconsumer materials recovered within the State of Arkansas.
(3) A bidder receiving a preference under this section shall not be entitled to an additional preference under § 19-11-259.