(a) The State Highway Commission may develop a Construction Manager-General Contractor Method of Procurement Pilot Program to test the utilization of the construction manager-general contractor method as a cost-effective option for constructing transportation projects.
(1) During the term of the program the commission may select a total of three (3) transportation projects on which to utilize the construction manager-general contractor method.
(A) The sum of the construction cost estimates prepared as required under § 19-11-1407 of all three (3) construction manager-general contractor method transportation projects shall not exceed two hundred million dollars ($200,000,000).
(B) The construction cost estimate of the first construction manager-general contractor method transportation project shall not exceed seventy million dollars ($70,000,000).
(C) The sum of the construction cost estimates of the remaining two (2) construction manager-general contractor method transportation projects shall not exceed one hundred million dollars ($100,000,000).
(c) The Director of State Highways and Transportation shall send written notice identifying the transportation project and the reasons for deciding to apply the construction manager-general contractor method to that specific transportation project to:
(1) The Chair of the House Committee on Public Transportation; and
(2) The Chair of the Senate Committee on Public Transportation, Technology, and Legislative Affairs.
(d) A program established under this subchapter shall terminate no later than June 30, 2022.