(1) "Athlete" means an individual who is participating in organized athletic or team activities at the interscholastic, intramural, intercollegiate, or professional level, or sanctioned recreational sports activities;
(2) "Athletic injury or illness" means an injury or illness sustained by the athlete as a result of participation in those organized athletic or team activities which require physical strength, agility, flexibility, range of motion, speed, or stamina, or any comparable injury or illness to an athlete which prevents the person from participating in activities described in subdivision (1) of this section;
(3) "Athletic trainer" means a person licensed by the state to engage in athletic training;
(4) "Athletic training" means the prevention, recognition, evaluation, treatment, and rehabilitation of an athletic injury or illness and the organization and administration of exercise, conditioning, and athletic training programs;
(5) "Board" means the Arkansas State Board of Athletic Training;
(6) "Direct supervision" means supervision of the athletic trainer in a clinical setting in which the supervising physical therapist must be readily available for consultation for the care of the athlete but not necessarily on the premises;
(7) "License" means the document issued by the board to a qualified person to practice athletic training; and
(8) "Sanctioned recreational sports activities" means any athletic or team activity which requires physical strength, agility, flexibility, range of motion, speed, or stamina and meets one (1) or more of the following:
(A) Has officially designated coaches who have the responsibility for athletic activities of the organization;
(B) Has a regular schedule of practices or workouts which are supervised by the officially designated coaches;
(C) Is an activity generally recognized as having an established schedule of competitive events or exhibitions; and
(D) Has a policy requiring documentation of having passed a preparticipation medical examination conducted by a licensed physician as a condition for participation for the athletic activities of the organization.