(a) Individuals passing the master, journeyman, residential master, residential journeyman, air conditioning electrician, specialist sign electrician, or industrial maintenance electrician's examination as specified in § 17-28-203 shall be issued a license of the same class as that of the examination upon payment of the following fees:
(1) Master electrician ..................… $50.00
(2) Journeyman electrician ..................… 25.00
(3) Industrial maintenance electrician ..................… 25.00
(4) Residential master electrician ..................… 50.00
(5) Residential journeyman electrician ..................… 25.00
(6) Air conditioning electrician ..................… 25.00
(7) Specialist sign electrician......................25.00.
(1) Licenses shall expire on the date indicated on the licenses.
(2) The license may be renewed for a period of one (1), two (2), or three (3) years with the fee to be as follows:
(A) Master electrician ..................… $50.00 per year
(B) Journeyman electrician ..................… 25.00 per year
(C) Industrial maintenance electrician ..................… 25.00 per year
(D) Residential master electrician ..................… 50.00 per year
(E) Residential journeyman electrician ..................… 25.00 per year
(F) Air conditioning electrician ..................… 25.00 per year
(G) Specialist sign electrician ..................… 25.00 per year.
(3) A licensee may renew his or her license within thirty-six (36) months following the expiration date on the license by paying:
(A) The renewal fee under subdivision (b)(2) of this section;
(B) A late fee equal to one (1) year of the renewal fee plus ten dollars ($10.00) for each calendar month between the expiration date indicated on the license and the date of application for renewal; and
(C) Any outstanding monetary civil penalty.
(4) If a licensee shall fail to renew his or her license within thirty-six (36) months after the expiration date on the license, the licensee may reinstate his or her license by paying:
(A) The fees and any applicable penalty under subdivision (b)(3) of this section; and
(B) An additional penalty of one thousand dollars ($1,000).
(A) The Board of Electrical Examiners of the State of Arkansas may, after hearing, deny renewal or reinstatement of a license for cause.
(B) The applicant for renewal or reinstatement of a license may obtain a temporary license to expire on the date of his or her hearing before the board.
(6) If a person simultaneously holds an electrical inspector license and a license as a master electrician or a journeyman electrician, the person, when renewing his or her master electrician or journeyman electrician license, shall be exempt from the:
(A) Renewal fee under this section; and
(B) Continuing education requirements for master electricians and journeyman electricians under § 17-28-311.
(c) The registration fee for an electrical apprentice shall be ten dollars ($10.00) annually. Apprentice registration certificates shall expire on the last day of the month, one (1) year following the date of original registration.
(d) (1) The board may issue a temporary license as a master electrician or journeyman electrician that is valid for no more than six (6) months and renewable one (1) time only for industry projects as defined in this chapter, upon submission by the applicant of the following:
(A) A temporary license fee in the amount established by subsection (a) of this section;
(B) A completed application on a form furnished and approved by the board; and
(C) Evidence that the applicant:
(i) Holds a current license of the same classification issued by another state; or
(ii) Meets the experience qualifications required under rules promulgated by the board for a temporary master electrician or a temporary journeyman electrician.
(2) The Director of the Department of Labor may renew a temporary license as a master electrician or journeyman electrician issued by the board for more than one (1) additional period of six (6) months, if:
(A) The renewal is for work to be performed on a specific industry project as defined in this chapter;
(B) The director determines that the additional renewal is necessary because:
(i) Actual construction will exceed one (1) year; and
(ii) An insufficient number of licensed electricians is available to perform the necessary work;
(C) The temporary license is restricted to the industry project for which it is issued; and
(D) A temporary license fee in the amount established in subsection (a) of this section is paid.
(A) The board may issue and renew a temporary license as a master electrician or journeyman electrician for regularly scheduled or emergency maintenance work or shutdowns of not longer than six (6) weeks on industry projects as defined in this chapter.
(B) An applicant for a new or renewed temporary license under subdivision (d)(3)(A) of this section shall submit the same items as are required in subdivision (d)(1) of this section.
(e) [Repealed.]
(f) A specialist sign electrician under § 17-28-101 shall qualify for an endorsement on his or her license authorizing the licensee to maintain and repair parking lot lights upon successfully passing a separate examination as approved by the board.